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Our New Family Member!

Mom's new dog

Paige has a new home!

Meet Paige – my mother’s new dog!  She is 4 years old tomorrow (yes, it’s her birthday)!

My mom lost her beloved Standard Poodle, Molly, back in November (see prior post, “Love. Sometimes the Hardest Choice”).  My mom spends time in Florida in the winter, so she had a few things to consider when getting another dog: Could she handle all the work that goes into raising a puppy?  Could she handle another large dog?  When was the right time to get another dog?

Sitting pretty

Ronan & Paige Sitting Pretty

My mom decided to wait until spring when she would be back in NJ.  She wanted a dog that was beyond the puppy stage, already house broken, and a smaller size that she could fully handle on her own.  She wanted another non-shedding dog, so she decided to look for a Miniature Poodle.  There were a few additional requirements, without which, would be deal-breakers for the adoption.

The dog had to be at least mostly housebroken, at least fair on a leash (my mom has some back issues and can’t be pulled), must be nice with people, must be nice with dogs (HAS to get along with my Ronan!), and not excessively barky.  So where  do you start to search?  There are a few options.  In mid-spring I had looked into dogs in foster homes and shelters, but nothing seemed to be what she was looking for.  So I contacted a dear friend of mine who shows dogs and has tons of connections.

Champion Paige

CH. Sunday Best Front Page News

Thanks to Mike we were led to a breeder who had a dog that she would consider placing in the right home. I spoke at length with her (we interviewed eachother) and it sounded promising.  After a long visit with Paige and the breeder we left, only to return the next day to take Paige to her new home!

Before anyone questions or judges how or why anyone would give up a dog, well, there can be lots of reasons. This was a case where Paige, a well bred Miniature Poodle (and finished show champion!), had achieved amazing goals and was not going to be bred, so if she could be in loving home – the RIGHT home – it would be a wonderful thing for everyone.   It’s been just over a week and things are beyond great.  My mother has a wonderful canine companion again, and Paige has an awesome home for the rest of her life!

Pups playing

New Friends!

Congratulations Mom!

Sometimes we find them.   Sometimes they find us. Sometimes it’s crazy fate.   It’s funny how things work out sometimes. We are so lucky to have them in our lives!



Welcome, CH. Sunday Best Front Page News (AKA Paige)!

Stacie & Ronan

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Summer is Here!


Snakes waiting for us

So this will be a quick post – you had much to read last week!  Be careful of the summer critters you may encounter – either alone or with your awesome dog!  In the past 3 days we encountered 2!

The first was while I was about to get Ronan back into the car after a nice walk with his friend Jake (3 year old Labrador Retriever).  All 3 of us literally almost stepped on this coiled up surprise!  Luckily, the dogs never caught a whiff of the LARGE Garter snake (snakes do emit an obvious odor!).

Then, on Fathers’s Day, my mother and I were getting into my car to visit my Dad’s grave site.  My mother made a comment about how she was startled by this “worm”.  The color of it caught my eye.   When I looked closer, I saw that it was actually a salamander!  I haven’t seen one since I was a kid.  So I captured it (of course) because I wanted to get a good picture.  (He was quickly released!)

more reptiles...

Unexpected surprise!

Nature shows up and surprises us at some unexpected times.  All I want is for you to keep your eyes open, and watch out for the unexpected!  Be safe, stay safe, and enjoy this wonderful summer that’s off to a great start!


Stacie & Ronan

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A Different Kind of “Therapy” Dog

Ronan near water


Ronan and I were at an event this weekend and a very touching thing happened.  We were at our table and a stranger approached and told me that he couldn’t believe he found a Border Collie – he was looking for a Border Collie.  I was a little confused since there were 2 rescue groups with dogs up for adoption, (and Ronan was not one of them).

He got down on the ground and started petting Ronan, who acted as if this was an immediate friend.  He said he was from out of state and asked if I had heard about the terrible car accident that had happened a few days earlier. I said I had.  As tears welled in his eyes he said “that was my sister”.  Stunned, I expressed my sympathy at the sudden loss of his sister.

He told me that he lives in Florida and was on a business trip in DC when he received the tragic news.  He immediately came to NJ to help make arrangements.  I listened as he continued his story by telling me that he hadn’t seen his wife and 2 Border Collies for 5 days.  He was trying to find some kind of dog event to make him feel a little better.  Joe and his one dog compete in agility, but unfortunately there were no trials nearby to watch.  He stumbled upon our event and much to his surprise he saw Ronan.

At this point, my eyes were a little teary as this total stranger pet and loved Ronan as if he were his own dog.  He asked if he could hang out with us for awhile, which was great company for Ronan and me.  He thanked me many times. He kept telling me how this was exactly the type of therapy he needed – especially as Ronan made himself comfortable by sitting on Joe’s lap!  At the end of the event Joe kindly helped me tear down and bring my belongings to my car.  I tried to thank him but he said he was thanking me because being with a Border Collie was just what he needed.

Ronan is not a certified Therapy Dog (at least not yet!), but he helped someone in a way that no human could.  Any type, breed, or size of dog could potentially help someone the way Ronan helped Joe.  Dogs are such amazing creatures – that’s why we love them so much!   As I lifelong dog lover, I understand exactly the type of therapy that Joe was referring to.

I write this on the day of Joe’s sister’s funeral.  I have been thinking of him so much since our chance meeting.  What he doesn’t realize is that I have been so touched by being the connection between Joe and my dog, Ronan, who helped make him feel just a little better for a little while.  I do think there is a reason why our paths crossed that day.

Joe, wherever you are, thanks for having such an impact on us.  We’re thinking of you and wishing you the best during this difficult time.

Stacie & Ronan

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Is Your Dog Allowed on the Furniture???


Some language used in this post may be unsuitable for overly sensitive readers.  Please take NO offense! 🙂

Elsa after herding

Elsa Post Herding Nap!

doggie relatives

BC relatives

Deciding whether or not to allow Fido on the furniture?  If so, you should take a few things into consideration. Most people will say “I really don’t mind if my puppy is on the furniture” when I ask. Usually they are only considering 2 things: 1) I don’t mind sharing my space (or beloved leather couch) with my puppy, and 2) I don’t mind the dog hair (or my dog doesn’t shed).

There are other important things to consider, that could affect the rest of your life with your beloved pooch.  I think it is important to look at the age and overall behavior of the dog.  If Fido is allowed on the furniture as a puppy, then, from a very young age you could be sending the message that he can have the same privileges as you, (or, as some would say, that he is your equal!).  Dogs often go through behavioral changes as they mature and some need stricter rules than others.

Elsa on patrol

Elsa on lookout

For example, my last 2 German shepherds were a little on the dominant side. I was quite strict with them because I needed them to always know that I was in charge.  I did not allow those dogs to set foot on beds or furniture until they were about 2 years old.  It was important that they knew the rules, knew that they were dogs (yes, I said it – DOGS!), and that I was their leader.  They needed to respect that I had privileges that they did not.

dogs on couch

Couch buddies

When I started to allow them up on the bed only (yes, they can tell the difference between the bed and other furniture), I   made them earn it (sit & look).  Then I invited them up.  Both were tentative at first because I was asking them to do something that had previously not been allowed.  It took a little coaxing, but they nervously jumped up and I praised them.  Then I commanded them to get off – ZOOM – they immediately jumped off without wasting a second!  They got it.  It WAS a privilege and they knew it.  I never had any issues with bad behavior and the furniture, and they never lost that privilege.

R & G at table


And then there was…RONAN…my adorably cute, spoiled rotten little Border Collie! Because he is softer in nature, happy all the time, and generally non-challenging, he has been allowed on the furniture for most of his life.  Yes I can command him off.  No he is not fresh when people sit next to him and pet him.  As I like to say, he is NOT a jerk (yes, I said it – JERK!).  In my opinion, when dogs show poor behavior – freshness, aggression, not listening, trying to be in charge (can we just call it JERKY behavior without offending anyone???), then they should not have the furniture privilege – at least not until the bad behavior has been curbed!

Ronan was allowed privileges at a much earlier age than Elsa or Shasta. Dogs are individuals with their own personalities and behaviors, and should be treated that way. It’s not mean, it’s just that some dogs require more structure and rules in order to maintain good behavior. I have no doubt that if I allowed my Elsa and Shasta on the furniture as puppies, and if I spoiled them like Ronan they wouldn’t have turned out to be such wonderful dogs and companions.

We all love the idea of bringing home a dog who will fit into our lives effortlessly.  Unfortunately, that is often not the case.  Many need a little extra help & structure.  But that doesn’t mean we love them any less!  It means that we love them so much that we will help them to become the best they can be!

puppy dreams

Ronan asleep

I generally don’t mind dogs on the furniture (after all, Ronan is asleep on the chair now!). I just want dogs to show decent behavior that we can live with (wait… isn’t that the definition of not being a JERK???).

Hope you had a few laughs!

Hugs to the pooches!

Stacie & Ronan

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Bark for Life Success!

Bark Fest

Bark Fest

This past Saturday I had the honor of being a silver sponsor at the 2nd annual Bark for Life of Florham Park!  Bark for Life is an event  that honors and celebrates all types of service dogs in order to raise money for the American Cancer Society.Ronan & Chelsea

The goal of Bark for Life is to someday have a world with less cancer and more birthdays.  It was a huge success.  Bark for Life of Florham Park is organized by three sophomores in High School. They, along with the help and support of others, did an amazing job to raise $13,000 for the ACS!

S & R @ signIF you weren’t able to attend this dog-friendly event on Saturday, plan to go next year.  There are great vendors, food, dog contests, music, lots of DOGS and more!  Ronan and I plan on sponsoring again next year, so we’ll be there too!

Bark fest

Bark Fest

Hope to see you there!

Stacie & Ronan