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What’s in a Name???

Ronan stand/stay

“Can we teach him to recognize his name?  He’s not coming when I call his name.  How do we teach him that?”  I get these questions from time to time, and I am usually chuckling quietly to myself.

There is something I need to point out – something pretty important having to do with being specific in how you communicate with your dog.  If you are calling your dog’s name and he doesn’t acknowledge it, there is a possibility that your dog does not yet recognize it.  But there’s also a possibility that your dog is thinking “I hear you.  What do you want???”, even though he is not looking at you or running toward you.

My point is, his name is just his name.  An attention-getter with no other specific meaning associated with it.  Dogs do not automatically know what you want, nor are they robots.  They need to be given a clear command and then a chance to give the proper response.

When I am working with clients new to owning a puppy or dog,  I often suggest they start to give commands without using the dog’s name.  That way they and their puppy learn to focus specifically on the command and what it means. Think about your communication skills and try to sharpen them.  Mean what you say and say what you mean without using his name (at first).  This way you will set your dog (and yourself) up for success!

Yours in Good Training,

Stacie & Ronan

PS – I have complete faith that your dog WILL learn his name!

Get ready for classes

LOVE This Face!

I want to share some pictures of a face that I just adore. Enjoy!



awesome hug!

dog with sand in hair

Roni bhobble head bathRoni hotel bed

Roni close up 3

Ronan snow face

Ronan looking out porch window




bath time for Ronan

beach dog frisbee

winterized dog

Cool Ronan

Dogs & cats

Roni close up 4


Have a great week!

Stacie & Ronan

Get ready for classes

Too Hot to Handle

I’m sitting in this awful heat and our air conditioning broke!  (Thankfully, it should be fixed in a few hours).  As I write this I realize how sluggish and uncomfortable it has made me.  I’m not grouchy, just maybe a little less patient than usual.

dog running & pantingPlease keep this in mind as you interact with your dogs in this sticky heat.  They may also feel the drain that this type of heat causes.  They my be sluggish and less tolerant.  They may be having a difficult time regulating their own body temperature.

It’s not only OK to back way off from normal exercise routines in this kind of weather, it may be necessary for the health and safety of your dog.  This is especially true for the brachycephalic (short-nosed) breeds, who can’t cool themselves as effectively as panting boxerlonger-nosed breeds.

panting dog on sideDogs act like warriors and some want so badly to please us that they don’t know when to quit.  As long as we throw the ball, or walk, or whatever, most dogs will continue as long as we ask, even if it’s too much.  Be smart and don’t let your dogs overdo it.  Remember: it’s better to be safe than sorry!

Keep them safe, healthy and happy!

Stacie & Ronan

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Updates, Announcements and Requests!



Hi everyone!  Thank for your continued support!  I thought I’d take a moment to update you on a few things…

  1. Please make sure you have signed up for my newsletter at  I’m working on some future projects that will be announced through email (newsletters, announcements, upcoming events, product reviews…).
  2. Stay tuned for a new feature: I will be conducting dog product reviews!  If I’ve tried it and liked it I will give a thorough review AND tell you where and how to get it!  Coming in the not-so-distant future!
  3. Plans for regularly scheduled events at Pet Valu are underway.  They should be starting in the fall!
  4. If you are interested in attending some group training classes in the fall please email and let me know!
  5. Please vote, vote, VOTE!  You can vote daily through 8/12.  Please vote for Royal Canine Dog Training as Best Pet Service at  We are hoping that RCDT is selected as the Readers’ Choice Award for the third year in a row!  THANK YOU!

Yours in good training,

Stacie & Ronan

Get ready for classes

Does your Dog Get the Paper?

Teach your dog something new and fun whenever you can.  IF you still have a paper delivered to your home (and your dog likes to retrieve), teach your dog to get it for you!

Keep safety in mind by watching for cars and always practice on leash.   Make it a fun game that your dog will enjoy.  Start slowly and increase the difficulty as your dog improves.  You may need to run with him at first, and be sure to reward with a treat.

vid r paper

Ronan getting the paper at 8 1/2 weeks of age!

Enjoy!  Please remember to vote daily

Stacie & Ronan