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The Tongue has it!

You can always tell when Ronan is tired.  His mouth gets a little lazy, and he often doesn’t totally close it – leaving his tongue sticking out.  It really makes me laugh.  Here is how he looked last night…







Adorable or what?

Enjoy your dogs everyday!  They are a very special loan from God and are here for a limited time!


Stacie & Ronan

Get ready for classes

Happy Thanksgiving To ALL!

Roni close up 4

It’s a busy week for everyone.  Ronan and I want to wish you a very happy and safe Thanksgiving! Don’t let your dogs eat too much junk (or fall into a food coma)!  We don’t want to hear of any cases of pancreatitis!!

Gobble gobble.


Stacie & Ronan

Get ready for classes

How Low Can He Go?

r-closeup-cigar-11-16 Dogs love to chew.  It’s good for them as it relieves stress and boredom, keeps them from chewing your stuff, and helps to keep their teeth clean and healthy.  Caution: make sure your dog’s chews are SAFE.  Be careful that your dog can not break off large pieces that can be harmful.

r-closeup-cigar-2Until you know and understand your dog’s chewing style you should monitor him each time you give him a new bone or chew toy.  There are all types of chewing products on the market.  Examine each one.  When you think a chew bone might be getting to small THROW IT OUT!r-med  Do not take any risks.

Especially be aware of bully sticks.  Pet stores love to sell them, dogs love to chew them (although, do they really help keep the teeth clean?), and owners love them because they keep their pups busy!  But they can be hazardous if they get too small & the dog swallows them.

Ronan is lucky enough to receive hand-me-downs from his BFF, Tessa, because if a bully stick is less than 6 inches there is a risk that she will swallow it whole! Thankfully, her owner is well aware, and watches her closely!

Don’t take risks: when in doubt throw it out!

Stacie & Ronan

Get ready for classes

A Day Late…

Sorry I missed yesterday.  We will be back next week! Stacie & Ronan


Get ready for classes


best-of-the-best-2016I want to thank each and everyone of you who voted Royal Canine Dog Training LLC the Best Pet Service for the Daily Record’s Readers Choice Award (3rd year in a row!).  I feel truly honored that you entrust me with the care and guidance of your dogs!  Your recommendation of me to your friends and family over the years means more than you can imagine.  This has helped Royal Canine Dog Training LLC become what it is today.

So thank you again, and I will do everything in my power to promote the care, training and safety of all the dogs I get the privilege of working with!  I am so blessed to have people like you in my life.  I am also so blessed being able to do something I love and spend time with dogs every day.
