Take the Time…

I’ve been running so much lately. Ronan is making it clear that he notices I haven’t had as much time for him this week as usual. It’s true. Sometimes it’s necessary – after all, I have to meet many obligations.

I’ve been blessed. I’ve had dogs my whole life. I enjoy training them, playing with them, and sometimes just loving them. That’s what I need to do right now.

The nudge of his nose while I’m working on the computer, or the gentle paw when I briefly stop petting him are the not-so-subtle reminders that he is here and needs a little attention.

Thanks for the reminder, Ronan! Don’t get so caught up in life without taking a few breaks to enjoy these beautiful creatures. Remember that WE chose to have them into our lives in the first place!

Take the time – life’s too short!

Besides, who could pass up this face???

Stacie & Ronan

Don’t forget to vote! dailyrecord.com/vote

People & Services

Pet Services type in Royal Canine Dog Training

Vote through 8/11.  Thanks!

Summer “Weave”


This is how my dog relaxes. I call this Ronan’s “weave”.  He naturally (absolutely NO help or encouragement from me), forms his feet into this delicate weave position when he is sleeping. It is adorable, but also curious. I will eventually put a bunch of these pictures together to form an album, but after snapping this pic during dinner, I thought I’d share. Hope your summer is going well!!


Please don’t forget to vote – as often as you can through 8/11.

dailyrecord.com/vote; People & Services; Pet Services; type in Royal Canine Dog Training; email & password (only to track your voting). Can vote up to once per hour (LOL – I appreciate ALL votes!).

Many thanks,

Stacie & Ronan

Time to Vote!

That’s right…it’s that time of the year! Please help Royal Canine Dog Training LLC win the Daily Record’s Readers’ Choice Award for Best Pet Service for the 4th year in a row! There is only 1 month left. You can vote once per hour per email (who has the time – I know!) through 8/11. If you could cast a vote whenever you think of it I’d be most appreciative! It’s easy – here are the quick steps:

go to dailyrecord.com/vote where you will be redirected to secondstreetapp.

click on “People & Services”

scroll down to “Pet Services” and type in “Royal Canine Dog Training”

it will ask for your email and password – DON’T WORRY – they will not solicit or use. they just want to track that you are only voting once per hour.

That’s all there is to it! I appreciate your help.  There’s 1 month left – voting goes through 8/11





daily record best of the best morris county readers choice contest 2014

so excited

Best Pet Service!

Patriotic Pooch!

Patriotic Pooch!

Happy 4th of July from Ronan & me!