Entries by info@royalk9.com

Danger! Pet Poison Safety Tips

2 year old Luna   Stories like this are heartbreaking:  A beloved 2 year old Golden Retriever named Luna, dies after ingesting gum sweetened with Xylitol.   A few hours after rushing Luna to the vets they were told that her blood work wasn’t good and she would have only a 25% chance of surviving […]

What Do You Say? (Part 3)

Down?  Off?  Lay?  Rest? Settle? Lie down? Drop? And the list probably continues… Look at that list.  You may wonder why I grouped all of those commands together. The point is, are you being consistent with your commands?  What are you trying to convey to your dog?   I use the command “Down” to mean […]

What do You Say? Part 2

    The words you use to train your dog are totally up to you.  After all, the most important reason for training is to keep our beloved dogs safe.  Your dog having an understanding of what you mean (and following through) is all that matters.   For example, what command do you use for […]

Think With Your Head Not Your Heart…

…when choosing a dog!  Adding a new puppy or dog to the family can be a great addition.  However, situations occasionally occur where your new addition becomes more of a negative to the household than a positive.  I’m going to mention a few things to consider when YOU are considering adding a dog to your […]

What Do You Say?

Dogs can be taught commands for a variety of reasons, but the most important reason is to keep them safe.  My favorite safety exercises include mastering a solid stay and recall.  My favorite calming exercise is down stay.   What words or commands you say to your dog are totally up to you.  When you […]

Bottle Hill Day

It’s fall festival season!  Ronan and I have been crazy running around to different events and there is one more (I think only one!) to go.   This Saturday please come and visit us at Bottle Hill Day in Madison!  The event is from 10-5 and attracts lots of vendors.  Typically there are 10,000-20,000 visitors! […]

Great News for 2 Local Shelters!

A big shout out to 11th Hour Rescue and Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter!  They both had gorgeous weather and fabulous turn outs for their largest fundraisers. Saturday lots of money was raised and 72 dogs were adopted at 11th Hour Rescue’s annual event, Puptoberfest!!!   Sunday was Mutts Mania, which benefits the Mt. Pleasant Animal […]

How We Said Goodbye to Summer

I’m always a little sad to see summer end – especially after a rough winter like the one we just had.   To enjoy a few remaining warm days, Ronan and I (and a few human friends) spent a few days at the beach this past weekend.     We were lucky enough to find […]