
Get ready for classes

Ronan’s Sheep Herding Debut!!!



I was encouraged to post a brag, although I cannot take much credit. 🙂

I love taking Ronan for herding lessons, allowing him to enjoy doing what he was bred to do.  It is no surprise that Ronan’s skill level ronan-herding-sheepprogresses much more quickly than mine.  Herding does not mean chasing.  It’s difficult to move and control livestock with ease and elegance, without adding unnecessary stress. Ronan’s genes offer natural ability and finesse!

This past weekend was amazing.  I am thrilled to share that Ronan took 1st place in his class at his very first sheep herding trial!  Special thanks to Karen Malloy for sharing her expertise and showing Ronan’s (and her) great talents!ronan-herding-ducks-10-16

If you’ve never watched dogs herding sheep (or ducks or cattle), I highly recommend it.  Find a trial and go!  It is truly a wonderful sight to see this beautiful and ancient farming technique with your own eyes.  I promise, you won’t be sorry!

What jobs/skills were involved in your dogs’ history?  Look for some activities where you can work on YOUR dogs’ natural instincts.  They will love it and you will too!

Make time to enjoy your dogs every day!

Stacie & Ronan