Safe Turkey Day!
Thanksgiving is almost here- wahoo! It’s a wonderful time when we get together with family and friends and give thanks for all that we have. It’s also a time where we overdue it a bit – turkey, stuffing, wine, dessert… it’s all so yummy!
But, please do not forget our furry family members! Sometimes while we are busy celebrating, our furry friends get into trouble – the FOOD kind of trouble! Please remember, not all people food is good for our pets.
If you ask your local vet they will probably tell you that their waiting rooms are packed during the holidays because of pets having gotten into things they shouldn’t have. Pay attention to your pets and where and what they might be sniffing. Advise your guests not to give too many treats. No one want to spend a holiday weekend at the vets!
Happy Thanksgiving and be safe!
Stacie & Ronan