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Bark for Life Success!

Bark Fest

Bark Fest

This past Saturday I had the honor of being a silver sponsor at the 2nd annual Bark for Life of Florham Park!  Bark for Life is an event  that honors and celebrates all types of service dogs in order to raise money for the American Cancer Society.Ronan & Chelsea

The goal of Bark for Life is to someday have a world with less cancer and more birthdays.  It was a huge success.  Bark for Life of Florham Park is organized by three sophomores in High School. They, along with the help and support of others, did an amazing job to raise $13,000 for the ACS!

S & R @ signIF you weren’t able to attend this dog-friendly event on Saturday, plan to go next year.  There are great vendors, food, dog contests, music, lots of DOGS and more!  Ronan and I plan on sponsoring again next year, so we’ll be there too!

Bark fest

Bark Fest

Hope to see you there!

Stacie & Ronan