New Training Classes TBA!!!
Please stay tuned for announcements on upcoming classes! I am so happy to be able to offer group classes again in a few locations.
Details are being worked out so please check back frequently so I can keep you posted.
I’d like to ask anyone interested to send me a private email to let me know what training level you are interested in and what town you live in.
Please spread the word to all of your dog friends!
There are many options – Beginners, Intermediate. Advanced, Spring Refreshers, Indoors and Out, and even Semi-private lessons for you and a couple of friends. I will be teaching all classes.
Please let me know what you are interested in and I’ll try to accommodate your needs.
Class sizes will vary based on location. I generally cover Morris, Union, Essex, and Somerset Counties with my in-home training and would love to get a few people interested to offer classes near you.
PLEASE tell all of your family and friends and please share this on your social media sites – the more dogs and people we can help the better!
Stacie & Ronan