
Get ready for classes


deer tickThey’re back – if they ever left – and it seems like we’re off to a terrible start!  I pulled 4 ticks off of Ronan THIS WEEK in spite of the fact that I was using 2 different repellents on him!  UUUGGGHHH!

PLEASE talk to your vet and determine the best approach to dealing with these pesky critters that spread so many dangerous diseases.

In addition, brush and comb frequently, and pet – yes pet your dogs, especially in the opposite direction of the hair growth.  This is how all 4 ticks were discovered on Ronan!

Ticks - Check your Dogs!

tick remover

Make sure you have a good tick remover and understand the proper way to safely remove ticks.

It’s an unfortunate reality but totally avoiding coming into contact with ticks is nearly impossible, especially if you spend any time outdoors.  Take precautions and minimize the dangers associated with ticks so you and your dog can safely enjoy this wonderful weather!

Stacie & Ronan