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Off Leash Warning!

dogs running at dog parkToday’s Daily Record showcased a lengthy front page article about how the Morris Parks Department is on the lookout to crack down on unleashed dogs.  The article sites numerous cases of dogs running loose, dogs fighting, and people being jumped on and knocked down.  It also mentioned one case in May involving a small dog who startled a horse.  The horse threw it’s rider (who was hospitalized for a few days) and trampled the dog to death!

The point is, they are trying to enforce the existing six foot leash law.  Park visitors are becoming more agitated, as are the park staff.  Complaints are on the rise.  They are actively looking for offenders, who could get a $100 fine and or whose dog could be seized, according to the article.

Please be careful and and obey the rules.   I’d hate to hear of someone I know getting a fine or worse!

Yours in responsible dog ownership,

Stacie & Ronan  ***Don’t forget to vote every day!  thanks!

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